Friday, September 12, 2008

Thoughts of Ike, Part Two...still no relation to staging!

I tried to tell my darling daughter Jackie to be careful what she wished for. She was one of the few who was disappointed when Rita grazed Houston, sparing us the devistation those just North and East of us were so unfortunate to bear. Now it appears she's gonna get her wish. I hope she's ready. She's always been fascinated with mother nature's wrath and longs to chase tornadoes and rainbows and such. She is my little Tink. I hope she realizes how she is flirting with disaster. At least she has A/C...for now!
The increased wind speed is giving us some merciful air movement inside the house. I hate to see what happens when the rain hits and the windows will have to close. I wonder if it's safe to spend the storm in the pool. From what I recall, there's usually not alot of lightening and thunder, just massive wind and rain. Looking out from our bedroom with the windows as open as they can get, I see the few light pieces of patio furniture shaking precariously in the wind gusts. In the distance I hear something fall over...hoping it's nothing major and better yet, not in our yard. How terrible.
Part Three to come.

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