Thursday, March 20, 2008

Are we ALL Savvy Stagers? The world deserves to know!

While taking my evening internet stroll through HGTV land, I came across an interesting feature I had not seen before. It was a quiz to test the ability to stage a home. Intrigued, I immediately launched the application, eager to discover my how my aptitude would rank. How hard could this be? By the time I hit question three, I was beginning to realize this wasn’t nearly as elementary as I expected. Feeling challenged, I persevered, choosing the best option of the multiple solutions given for each scenario. When asked what my home should smell like for a showing, I was tempted to select money …after all isn’t that my job? By the time I reached the end of the quiz I was sweating. What if I failed? What if HGTV declared me to be a Reluctant Seller or worse, a Staging Sellout?
I held my breath, afraid to click on the NEXT button…

Calculating Results….

You are a Neutral Know-It-All.
Your staged home is the envy of the neighborhood and a step up from your competitor's listings. You know how to lure buyers in and help them envision living in the space. If we have any advice for you, it's to be patient while playing the waiting game. Don't worry — those offers will soon be trickling in!

Relieved and validated, after taking the quiz so seriously the first time I decided to give it another whirl. This time I threw it a few curve balls, being a bit more liberal in my selections. AGAIN, I am deemed a Neutral Know-It-All. What could this mean? When I’m good, I’m good…but when I’m bad, I’m better? Or is EVERYONE a Neutral Know-It-All? Hmmm…
Want to know how you rate? Test my theory. Take the quiz. Look for the link under "Sell Your Home Faster " and prepared to answer when asked... Are YOU a Savvy Stager?
Be sure to come back and take the poll!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of the questions in the quiz really don't have the correct answer, but I guess it's close enough to evaluate staging prowess.